5 SEO Myths You Should Avoid



Search Engine Optimization or SEO is constantly changing. You should recheck your strategy if you are still following the old SEO techniques. SEO is always updated from Penguin last March, Google Hummingbird, and the newest is your website could go ghost after April 21st. Because of these, many businesses are cramming to clean up their SEO strategies. They study to make sure they know how the algorithm works. There are SEO myths you must avoid to make your business succeed.

1.      Build more links than contents.

Before, you can build unlimited backlinks to rank your website in the first page of the search engine like Google. However, today, you should invest in high quality content to your website. Do not buy links anymore, especially if it does not come from a reputable and high quality website. This would just waste your time and money. Your ROI or return of investment would be higher when you have quality content. Add more website pages and blog articles. High quality content will generate natural links in a long run. Do not forget, links which are not natural will just harm your website!

2.      Buy old and expired domains.

Others think that when they buy old and expired domains, they can fake the extensive site history. However, this is not true! These domains may have serious baggage like spamming problems, which is why Google removed them. It is recommended to check the domain’s history first before buying it. This will ensure that it is not blacklisted. Aside from that, your main reason why you will buy an expired domain is that it’s the best domain name for your website.

3.      Meta Descriptions can affect search rankings.

A meta description will tell the search engine what your page is all about. When you check the Google’s search engine result pages, you will see the description of your website. They make use of a preview snippets to help the online searchers know what your page is all about. Many people pay extra attention to meta description. However, Google said that both meta description and meta keywords will not affect the search rankings. However, they are still important in SEO. This is because they give distinction which separates your website from the others which have the same content as yours. You must still write your meta description uniquely.

4.      Domain name should consist of the main keywords.

Many people until now believe in this kind of myth. Most probably, you are wondering why. This is because the old SEO strategies tell that keywords should be placed all around your webpage and also to your domain. However, the truth is, high quality website will still beat the website that has the main keywords in the domain.

5.      Keywords are all that matters to rank well.

Again, this is another old strategies in SEO, and now it is just a myth. SEO should be diversified. You must combine techniques to make it work well. Yes, it is true that keywords are important! However, you should not just focus on keywords alone!


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